Chemistry and creativity Teaching Atlas of Urologic Imaging
Author and reference
Robert A. Older, MD
Professor Emeritus, Department of Radiology
University of Virginia Health Sciences Center
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Director of Imaging
Virginia Urology Center
Richmond, Virginia
Matthew J. Bassignani, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Radiology
Section Chief, Genitourinary Imaging
Medical Director for Radiology Information Systems
Medical Director of the University of Virginia Imaging Center
University of Virginia Health Sciences Center
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Content of Ebook Teaching Atlas of Urologic Imaging
Congenital Abnormalities
CASE 1 Complete Duplication
CASE 2 Horseshoe Kidney
CASE 3 Crossed Fused Ectopia
CASE 4 Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney
CASE 5 Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction
CASE 6 Calyceal Diverticulum
CASE 7 Ureterocele
PART II Contrast Media
CASE 8 Hypotensive Contrast Reaction
CASE 9 Contrast-Induced Renal Failure
CASE 10 Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis
PART III Stone Disease, Obstruction, and Metabolic Abnormalities
CASE 11 Medullary Nephrocalcinosis
CASE 12 Cortical Nephrocalcinosis
CASE 13 Renal Stones
CASE 14 Staghorn Calculi
CASE 15 Acute Ureteral Obstruction/Intravenous Pyelogram
CASE 16 Acute Ureteral Obstruction/Computed Tomography
CASE 17 Obstructing Ureteral Stone/Computed Tomography Stone Protocol
CASE 18 Nonobstructing Ureteral Stones/Computed Tomography Stone Protocol
CASE 19 Appendicitis/Computed Tomography Stone Protocol
CASE 20 Uric Acid Stone
PART IV Urinary Tract Infection
CASE 21 Acute Pyelonephritis, Left Kidney
CASE 22 Diffuse Acute Pyelonephritis
CASE 23 Acute Pyelonephritis with Abscess
CASE 24 Chronic Pyelonephritis
CASE 25 Emphysematous Pyelonephritis
CASE 26 Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis
CASE 27 Tuberculosis
CASE 28 Emphysematous Cystitis
CASE 29 Colovesical Fistula
PART V Renal Cystic Disease
CASE 30 Bosniak I, Simple Renal Cyst .
CASE 31 Bosniak II, Renal Cyst
CASE 32 Bosniak IIF, Renal Cyst
CASE 33 Bosniak III, Renal Cyst/Benign Multilocular Cyst
CASE 34 Bosniak IV, Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma
CASE 35 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
CASE 36 Von Hippel-Lindau Disease
CASE 37 Localized Cystic Disease
CASE 38 Medullary Sponge Kidney
PART VI Solid Renal Neoplasms
CASE 39 Renal Cell Carcinoma, T1
CASE 40 Renal Cell Carcinoma, T2N2
CASE 41 Renal Cell Carcinoma, T3b
CASE 42 Renal Cell Carcinoma, T4
CASE 43 Oncocytoma
CASE 44 Angiomyolipoma
CASE 45 Tuberous Sclerosis
PART VII Transitional Cell Carcinoma and Filling Defects
CASE 46 Transitional Cell Carcinoma
CASE 47 Multifocal Transitional Cell Carcinoma
CASE 48 Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Ureter/Goblet Sign
CASE 49 Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder
CASE 50 Urachal Carcinoma
CASE 51 Renal Blood Clots/Filling Defects
CASE 52 Normal Papilla/Filling Defects
CASE 53 Bladder Stones/Filling Defects
PART VIII Urinary Tract Trauma/Upper and Lower Urinary Tract
CASE 54 Subcapsular Hematoma/Grade 1 Renal Injury
CASE 55 Renal Laceration and Perinephric Hematoma/Grade 2 Renal Injury
CASE 56 Renal Laceration and Hematoma/Grade 3 Renal Injury
CASE 57 Renal Laceration and Extravasation/Grade 4 Renal Injury
CASE 58 Shattered Kidney/Grade 5 Renal Injury
CASE 59 Intraperitoneal Bladder Rupture
CASE 60 Extraperitoneal Bladder RuptureCASE
61 Urethral Injury, Type 2
CASE 62 Urethral Injury, Type 3
CASE 63 Straddle Injury of the Urethra
PART IX Adrenal Abnormalities
CASE 64 Adrenal Adenoma
CASE 65 Adrenal Metastasis
CASE 66 Pheochromocytoma
CASE 67 Adrenal Carcinoma
CASE 68 Adrenal Pseudocyst
CASE 69 Myelolipoma
CASE 70 Benign Adrenal Hyperplasia with Cushing Syndrome
CASE 71 Traumatic Adrenal Hemorrhage
PART X Vascular Abnormalities
CASE 72 Renal Infarct
CASE 73 Renal Artery Stenosis
CASE 74 Retrocaval Ureter
CASE 75 Papillary Necrosis
CASE 76 Radiation Nephropathy
PART XI Testicular and Scrotal Abnormalities
CASE 77 Simple Hydrocele
CASE 78 Orchitis
CASE 79 Epididymitis
CASE 80 Testicular Microlithiasis
CASE 81 Seminoma with Microlithiasis
CASE 82 Mixed Germ Cell Tumor of Testis
CASE 83 Tubular Ectasia of Rete Testis
CASE 84 Testicular Torsion
CASE 85 Epidermoid Cyst of Testis
CASE 86 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia of Testis
CASE 87 Testicular Hematoma
CASE 88 Variocele
CASE 89 Scrotal Hernia
CASE 90 Metastatic Adenopathy from Testis Tumor
PART XII Miscellaneous
CASE 91 Pelvic Lipomatosis
CASE 92 Retroperitoneal Fibrosis
CASE 93 Human Immunodefi ciency Virus Nephropathy
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